Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Let Me Wine & Dine You.

  ..I just found this in my drafts. Wow. Anyways, enjoy. 

     I love to save money. Hopefully not enough to make me a coupon nazi at Krogers in my later days, but enough to keep me floating comfortably on my paychecks. So here are a few ways I've managed to enter some of my friends cheap lists. 
1.) Ramen Noodles - Cancer in a packet for every young adult. You can spice up these meals with some cayenne pepper or spicy chinese mustard (both happen to be lying around in the kitchen at my work!) 
2) So you've got a giant tumor in you from the Ramen Noodles and you want something healthy? Bananas are wonderful and cheap, ok not wonderful but cheap. 
3.) It's true that man can not live off of Ramen Noodles and bananas alone. So, show your friends your classy side and go to Applebees, those appetizers are half off Sunday-Thursday 4-7 & 9-closing! 
4.) Now, my friends & coworkers drink enough coke to kill small child, so I collect their coke rewards and treat myself to a free blockbuster movie! 
5.) Your duds are looking a little out of date and shabby? Go to Goodwill and buy someone else's old getups and redo them. 



gabeadams said...

I can relate Deb, though I may be too cheap for applebee's happy hour, these days.

Catalyst Spark said...

I dunno Deb, driving that Big Water Truck now (i want pics) you seem primed to be ready to graduate from appetizers, to the main menu now, probably something light though, don't wanna upset your tumors!